The 6 new SEO trends embracing the year 2017!

When all things are taking a toll in the technical world we seldom understand the fact of being unique and start following a pattern that other people are following to stay in the race. Now, this may be for a limited period or for a considerable amount of time giving way to trends. The online world too creates trends that sometimes stays on for quite some time and sometimes just remains as a fad. Today let us talk about what's trending with the Search Engine Optimization in the year 2017.

Search Engine Optimization – acronym to SEO is the process that rakes in the desired amount of traffic from the organic search results. A good SEO sees to it that the website gets noticed by the Google crawlers and places your result in the initial search results. With each passing of an era trends keep on erupting and we expect some jolly good trends in the year 2017 when it comes to SEO. Many companies have understood the need to hire dedicated SEO experts who know the ins and outs of directing the right traffic to the right place, keeping the SEO trends in mind. What has the year 2017 in store for SEO? Lets explore.

SEO trends 2017

Let me take you through the trends that the SEO world is witnessing in the year 2017. Read on to find out about them.

1. Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP)

A new entrant in the field of creating mobile web content popular. It has started gaining momentum since its inception in the year 2016. It was quite successful in bringing out the best but market states that it might be a fad that is here to stay for quite some time. The future witness more and more of people shifting the paradigm of search from desktops to mobile phones. Keeping this in mind, many brands have started taking the support of AMP's to get noticed by the Google crawlers.

2. The power of voice searches

'Speak and you will get' – Now you need not tire yourself by typing out all the detailed list of information until your needs have been fulfilled. Yes, voice searches are soon being noticed and accepted by the Google crawlers, making it one of the emerging SEO trends of the year 2017.

3. The need for personal branding

The need to be recognized on the online platform is yet another important feature that turns out to be one of the most satiating and relaxed feel in a world that yearns for fame. When you have created an explicit identity it becomes easier for you to fond mediums to market and makes yourself prominent.

4. Some lip-smacking content

There are legions of content on the online platform all screaming for attention. Only some of the contents are liked and more apparently shared by the users. Google welcomes content but it makes popular only those that have managed to eliminate the quality of redundancy. People are continuously experimenting with the density of contents to make a mark on the online platform. On the other hand, the users are also looking for contents that actually add some meaning instead of monotony. Lengthy contents will slowly witness a decline giving way to more meaningful and intelligible contents.

5. The need for a great user experience

A great user experience will automatically lead to great results. When the users are satisfied with the way they can perceive the online world it automatically creates more traffic to your website. Google too has started acknowledging the need for a great user experience, making it one of the most prominent SEO trends of the present era.

6. Apps the matter

Along with people, even the phones have started becoming smart. People love to carry such innovative and useful technology that proves to be of great help to them as and when their need arises. The recent years have witnessed a role out many tools that monitor the quality of apps and accordingly generate its popularity. Google has not entirely diverted its attention apps, neglecting the desktop experience, but it is expected somewhere in the future. As of now, SEO has started to evaluate both desktop results as well as app results. But the future is something more than just the desktop website and hence efforts are made to create a balance between apps and websites.

Final Note

The above-mentioned are some of the prominent SEO trends that will be blooming in full glory in the year 2017. Trends often witness dynamism that makes it important to follow them in order to stay ahead of the pack. The online world too creates trends with new invention and innovations taking place every now and then. Hire dedicated SEO experts who keep a track of these changing trends and accordingly work to bring in appropriate traffic.